Recent developments in automation and AI work tools have reignited a decades-old conversion regarding the role machines and artificial intelligence is going to play in the future job market. While there’s still some debate about how quickly AI will advance and what sort of jobs it may or may not eliminate, there is plenty of evidence to show that it will—and already has—replaced some workers.
According to research from earlier this year, it was estimated that artificial intelligence contributed to the loss of nearly 4,000 jobs in just a single month.
On the other hand, based on data reported in Forbes, research also shows that AI will be used predominantly in tandem with people, rather than replacing workers entirely.
Still, the question remains, how can workers ensure they have job security in an increasingly automotive labor field?
The answer: they need AI training. The good news is, workers actually want artificial intelligence training. Research from SHRM showed that AI training was “the third-most sought-after learning that employees said they desire.”
Unfortunately, according to data reported in Beamery’s latest Talent Index, 75% of the current workforce are still untrained in the use of AI.
If the eagerness to learn is present in the workforce, and artificial intelligence training courses are widely available, why does so much of the labor market remain untrained? In order to better understand the issue, and present possible solutions, we decided to break the conversation down a little.
Last month, SHRM cited a 2,000 percent increase in roles requiring AI skills, and a survey from Randstad found that 50% of workers were not just willing but eager to start AI training. Of the sectors that utilize AI the most (excluding the tech industry), the top five are as follows:
Not only are workers looking to be upskilled because they want to hold onto their current jobs, but also so they can have a chance to compete in future labor markets.
The University of Oxford has been tracking the demand for AI skills over eight years, and found that since 2015, that demand has increased fivefold generally, with some sectors seeing an even more dramatic rise. Manufacturing jobs saw a sevenfold increase and warehousing saw a 21-fold increase.
Employees know they need to acquire these skills for their future job security, whether their employer is the one to train them or not. This explains the recent rise in popularity for online AI training courses and ChatGPT training courses.
Laying the groundwork for upskilling or reskilling your workforce can be complicated, and every business is going to have to make an individualized plan in order to get the most out of their time and resources.
That said, there are two key points that you should keep in mind when starting AI training with your workforce.
Find out what specific AI skills your employees want to learn, and ask for insight regarding what automotive updates they think would both make their jobs easier and serve the company as a whole.
This is going to be a long and often times tedious process. Some of your employees may be entirely new to the world of AI, but it will be worth it to take the time to train them now. In fact, it might cost you more in the long-run than not to, according to experts at LinkedIn, who have seen the negative effects poor AI training can have on a business.
Strengthening your current workforce by giving them the tools and skills they need is one of the best things you can do to build your business up for success in this ever-changing world of AI. That said, you should also be taking these skills into consideration when it comes to hiring new employees.
The previously mentioned demand for AI skills is likely only going to continue increasing, and in order to keep your business practice up to date and stay ahead of new technological advancements, you’ll want to start bringing on top-tier candidates who are already trained in all things AI.
If you’re not sure where to find those people, the recruitment experts at CyberCoders are here to help. Check out our website and learn more about how we use our unrivaled matching technology to find better candidates in a fraction of the time!
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